We are an English-speaking Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) under the Most Reverend KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco & Western America.
Our doors and our hearts are open to all who will come.
All are welcome!

His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia

His Eminence Metropolitan NICHOLAS
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

His Eminence, The Most Reverend KYRILL
of San Francisco and Western America, Ruling Hierarch of the Western American Diocese

Father Elijah Wu (Drake)
We seek to reach out to all who thirst for the unchanging Faith that was delivered once and for all time by Jesus Christ. We seek to grow in faith and spiritual maturity as genuine disciples of Christ and to live the Faith authentically in thought, word, and deed.
In short . . . to be the Church.
We worship in the manner of the ancient, undivided Church. We are Catholic; but not Roman Catholic. We are evangelical; but not Protestant, in that we seek to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all. We are Orthodox, in that we proclaim the ancient and undiluted Faith and are part of Christ's Church as it was established since AD 33.
​We are a community centered on Christ, worshiping in the manner of the Ancient Church. We would like to welcome you home to the Faith as it was once and for all time delivered. Come and experience the fullness of the Christian Faith and the thing that you have always known you were missing but just couldn't put your finger on.